2024 OLD PENINSULA Soccer Club Committee
The committee for 2024 was elected at the Club's AGM on 30 October, 2023.
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Jack Massey
- Fundraising Officer: Simon Jay
- Men's Team Co-ordinators: Sam Forster & Andy Richardson
- Women's Team Co-ordinators: Georgia Thompson & Sammy Williams
Previous Committees
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Membership Coordinator: Anthony Burke
- General Committee Members: Andy Richardson, Matt Holland, Tara Godden, Sam Forster, Sally Radnell, Sammy Williams, Georgia Thompson, Jack Massey, Simon Jay
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Simon Jay
- Men's Coordinator: Sam Forster
- Women's Coordinator: Sally Radnell
- Women's Coordinator: Tara Godden
- Reserves Coordinator: Jack Massey
- Social Coordinator: Beth Dee-Scullion
- Social Coordinator: Emlyn Williams
- Membership Retention: Anthony Burke
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Simon Jay
- Men's Coordinator: Sam Forster
- Women's Coordinator: Sally Radnell
- Reserves Coordinator: Jack Massey
- Social Coordinator: Beth Dee-Scullion
- Social Coordinator: Emlyn Williams
President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Simon Jay
- Men's Coordinator: Sam Forster
- Women's Coordinator: Sally Radnell
- Reserves Coordinator: Jack Massey
- Social Coordinator: Beth Dee-Scullion
- Social Coordinator: Emlyn Williams
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Simon Jay
- Committee: Bridget Green
- Committee: Jack Massey
- Committee: Emlyn Williams
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Mark Winslade
- Secretary: Jack Massey
- Committee: Simon Jay
- Committee: Emlyn Williams
- Committee: Maddy Boyd
- Committee: Shane Speedie
- Committee: Chloe Box
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Lyndon Williams
- Secretary: Jack Massey
- Committee: Chloe Box
- Committee: Simon Jay
- Committee: Riana Cipollone
- Committee: Madeline Boyd
- Committee: Shane Speedie
- Committee: Caity Mankey
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: James Webster
- Secretary: Jack Massey
- General Manager: Lyndon Williams
- Committee: Thilak Manohar
- Committee: Chloe Box
- Committee: Jackson Prendergast
- Committee: Simon Jay
- Committee: Riana Cipollone
- Committee: Madeline Boyd
- Committee: Shane Speedie
- Committee: Sam Harnett
- Committee: Kat Crow
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Secretary: Kat Crow
- General Manager: Lyndon Williams
- Committee: Matt Day
- Committee: Chloe Box
- Committee: Jackson Prendergast
- Committee: Jack Massey
- Committee: Riana Cipollone
- Committee: David Crow
- Committee: Shane Speedie
- Committee: James Webster
- Committee: Sam Harnett
- Committee: Simon Jay
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Vice President: Matthew Smart
- Treasurer: Shane Speedie
- Secretary: Melanie Walker
- Committee: James Webster
- Committee: Kat Crow
- Committee: Lyndon Williams
- Committee: Jack Massey
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Treasurer: Reagan Barry
- Secretary: Dana Vickers
- Committee: Matthew Smart
- Committee: James Webster
- Committee: Samuel Symons
- Committee: Abdul Hafiz Rozali
- President: Joshua Sinclair
- Treasurer: Reagan Barry
- Secretary: Matthew Smart
- Earlier founders were Michael Cornell and Abdul Hafiz Rozali